What We Do
Glass block windows are not all about basements any more. They’re being used for picture windows to light up a front room, for sidelights (the panels along each side of a front door) which really lightens up a vestibule entranceway, plus the front room and also in the bathroom and kitchen.
- Glass Block Bathroom Windows
- Glass Block Showers
- Glass Block Basement Windows
- Glass Block Garage Windows
- Glass Block Dryer Vent Windows
- Punch-Out Windows
- Glass Blocks for Bars and Accent Walls
- Any Custom Glass Block Window Installation
- Glass Block Chimney Tuckpointing
- Glass Block Milk and Coal Chute
- Glass Block Window Replacements
We also are one of the only companies you will find who specialize in PORCH and STEP REPAIR!
We take pride in working directly with you, customizing each project to your specific needs.
We WILL do the jobs that big companies WON’T
Contact us today at (248) 225-7430 for a FREE ESTIMATE!